Saturday, September 8, 2012

The Beginning of the Rest of My Life

So, I did it. I graduated the nightmare we call high school. As a matter of fact, congratulations class of 2012! We all did it. And now, thankfully, I get to begin the next chapter of my life. College. I attend the Art Institute of Indianapolis, which, so far, has been amazing. I've been here for about a month, living in student housing (my actual house is about 3 hours away in KY). I have an apartment, a roommate, and a small twin sized bed. Sounds about right, right? I'm sooo thankful to my amazing mom! Without her, there's no way I'd be where I am now. In three years, I will have my bachelors degree in Web Design and Interactive Media, and that's when my life will get really crazy...But for now, I'm going to enjoy what I have been blessed with, and I am going to take full advantage of being an artist in college! And that's what will be shared in this blog. Anything and everything that I learn, do, create, and find while I'm here! I want to share the experience and maybe inspire someone else to go to college. But also, this is so I can remember everything that I go through here when I want to look back on it later. So, since so much has happened already, I better get started. Wish me luck! -MBB

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