This is REALLY, super simple. You'll need a pencil, paper, and a ruler. The ruler is a must if you want it to look precise.
1. First of all, you want to use your ruler to draw a horizontal line. Draw it lightly because you'll be erasing it in the end. At each end of that line, draw a dot. These dots are your vanishing point. These are the points that everything in your room will go towards.
2. Next, use your ruler to draw a vertical line through the horizontal line. It doesn't matter where you put this line. Just don't put it too close to either vanishing point or your drawing can become distorted looking.
3. Now, use your ruler to create the top and bottom of your walls. Align your ruler with vanishing point a and the top of your vertical line, then draw a line. Do the same for the bottom of your vertical line. Now repeat the process with vanishing point b.
4. You no longer need your horizontal line so go ahead and erase that.
5. You'll repeat steps 2 through 4 to continue creating walls. Just remember, each time you draw a vertical line, the time and bottom lines will go to the opposite vanishing point as the top and bottom lines on the other side. For example, if you had lines coming from vanishing point a and you drew a vertical line to connect them, then the line you draw on the other side of the vertical line will go to vanishing point b. You can do this to create however many walls you want.
6. Now you get to add decorations! The above is just some doodles to show you an example. My outline is below.
Geek pride!
7. The final step is to shade! Once you shade everything in, it looks more realistic.
There you go. For all those interior designers out there, this is great to learn! And for those of you who just want to fantasize about your dreams house, this is a great way to bring those fantasies to life! After all, everything starts out with a reference.
(Thank you Jacob Dobson for teaching me how to do this. It was really fun! For anyone who is thinking about going to AI of Indy, make sure you get Jacob Dobson as your teacher!)
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